Monday, June 14, 2010

Most Expensive Pinball

Poems for the future of freedom and determinism Belgium

Taranne Thanks for having provided us these unforgettable lyrical flights, that passion does not always in the most polished language. Here follows the text of which Taranne cheer up maybe our Belgian friends.

the aftermath of elections that have caused a disaster unfortunately not really unprecedented in our political life, the newspaper La Meuse Quiet asked two great Belgian poets - one Flemish and one Walloon - express their feelings and their vision for the future. They gave us two powerful texts that are reproduced below. The ELAN

Jan Van Pademaas

Born in 1935 in Geeleecrock, Jan Van Pademaas is one of the great Flemish poets, many times considered for the Nobel and discredited by critics. His epic "Vlaanderen vrijgegeven (Flanders Freed, 1966) won him many awards. He said he wrote this poem as a sign of concord, to reaffirm the unity and brotherhood that lie at the heart of the Belgian identity and has chose the French "because it is a beautiful language that is proud to speak fluently, not like those lazy Walloons who refuse to learn Dutch".

Flemish Lion is a peaceful animal
It shows teeth that compelled and forced him
For all violence is painful
But it was not him who started

All he wants is to live in peace
With his family, but the door still open
For what he preaches, he, he does not like the southerners
m. ...

Yes what he wants is to live in their own language
Like his brothers living in their
Infoutus they are released from their matrix
These damn francophone misfortune

He asks only forget and forgive,
For it is love and tolerance at the bottom
However those who continue to rub
may pack their bags for France.

In these difficult times, these hours stretched,
Where reason must prevail alone
We, my brothers, keep Stretched
Preferably in the mouth.

Patrick Dimwitte

Moudubeek Born in 1950, Patrick Dimwitte is considered one of the major voices in contemporary French poetry. Award-winner Volapuk and Capernaum, his uncompromising modernism has been compared to René Char, Yves Bonnefoy, Aime Cesaire and Dominique de Villepin. He wanted to express in this poem his terror, but also, despite all his hope. "

Wallonia, my land, my flesh Your legs
ethical nation menopausal
weep their eyes without eyelashes
Tears of Blood the bitter defeat
But they still support you in your face
Dioscure northerner
milk teeth, mane junk
A slobbery mouth lies
Dancing the tango traitors
On the grave dug yet
From our common soul.

Wallonia, my mother, my sister, whose cry You
dormant inside of me Like the river
screaming into oblivion
It's your breast that arises
A bully whose sword is your virtue
And your tongue is the shield
To save the three colors
And tame the northern
Iago's name to scent the Eastern Mediterranean
triumph of opening your
The strength of his character
Is victory your values
Whether it bowtie
Either the white plume
Who embodies Wallonia O, O homeland, Thy proud major
prepared to face pale
Of these assholes flamoutches of m. ..


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