Tuesday, March 1, 2011

After Interview Email Subject

"Learning PHP & MySQL" 7H50mn Training (Video)

Hi Everyone
Today I give you a 7h50mn In Health Education Video On
But it cost 49.99 Euro Cash
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A small description on training (copy of the site)

Learn to create a dynamic and interactive website! This training video will accompany your first steps with PHP, understanding the structure and syntax of this programming language to linking with the MySQL database. Through case studies, Jean-Marie Defrance, multimedia teacher at the Ecole des Gobelins (Paris), discusses the basic tools and functions to easily create a dynamic Web site. Resources used in this course accompany this support (duration: 7:50).

company logo:

the link where you can purchase the training:

I guess it will help you get started in this field
thank you in advance

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"Kutub" Best Site To The Arabic language programming

The Hi all World
I hope with all my heart you're really healthy
I give you today a website in Arabic
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That Link
I guess it will help you
Thanks in advance for your comments

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Inside Of The Vajina

Spinoza, philosophers, politicians

a famous text of Spinoza, which I delivered by hand long ago: an apology for the political art of the possible and the lesser evil, against hubris intellectualist. The italics are mine.

§ 1. Philosophers conceive the affects that engage us in battle as vices into which men fall through their own fault, so they are wont to deride, to deplore, reprimand, or when they want to look more virtuous to hate. They believe and act divinely and rise to the pinnacle of wisdom, providing all sorts of praise to a human nature that exists nowhere, and withering by their speeches that actually exists. They design men, in fact, not as they are, but as they themselves wish they were : hence the result that most, instead of an Ethics, wrote a satire, and have never been in this policy, views that can be implemented, the Policy, as they understand, to be held for a Chimera, or as suitable to be the country of Utopia, or the golden age of poets, that is to say, where no institution was necessary. Between all the sciences, so that an application is the policy where the theory going to defer most of the practice, and no judge of men being less fit to govern a state that theoreticians, that is to say the philosophers.

§ 2. For politicians, however, they are believed to tend to the busiest men of the pitfalls that lead them for the better, and they are judged cunning rather than wise. experience indeed taught them that there will be flaws as long as there are men and they therefore apply to prevent human malice, and that means by which long experience has informed the efficiency, and men driven by fear rather than be guided by the why are wont to apply ; acting in a way that it seems contrary to religion, especially theologians as they in fact, the sovereign should lead public affairs in accordance with moral norms that the individual is required to observed. There is no doubt however, that politicians do not address in their written policy with much more happiness than the philosophers who have had experience as a mistress, they taught nothing that was in fact far from practice .

Political Treatise, (1677) Chapter I, § § 1-2. Ch Appuhn translation (slightly modified) in Works, Volume IV, Paris, Garnier / Flammarion, P. 11-12, taken from the website duty-of-philosophie.com )

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

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Time ........ please, time ..........

It would take me days to 36 hours to do everything I do and enjoys doing. I would have energy galore to juggle everything that makes life hectic working women today!
Between work, children, husband, Partner, Entertainment, biking, sewing, holidays .... I had to make choices in saving time and no longer take care of the blog is gone!
And envy, too, the blogger is good but there are too many similarities between all the blogs met ... I want to detach myself and do things that come out of the ordinary (even if inspirational and often miraculous, the ordinary word is not derogatory to me). I would like create to create and not to copy or paste. But let me go and invent in representing my tastes and not let me go in the need of the majority party, this mass internet. Maybe I'll come back in another form to do otherwise, differently, more personal, more me and be as creative in the design of Internet blogs and in what I am capable of producing. Find a style all my own, individual, departing ...
What matters, and why it takes time to do things carefully and beautifully, and for now my precious time, not for the internet, but for the life force, vivid, concrete, friends, family, projects and dreams ... @
soon! Melanie

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Milk With Milena Velba

Book "Beginning Ajax with PHP from Novice to Professional" Paper

Hi everyone
I hope you are full health
today I give you an English book called:
Beginning Ajax with PHP from Novice to Professional
voila coverage:

Here is the link for the download:
and thank you in advance for your comments

Friday, January 14, 2011

L Keep Getting Thrush

"Algorithm" Course Correction + Exercise

Hi everyone
I hope you are full health
today I gave you a file that contains
courses and thousands of exercises with correction ;

That link to download the file
I suppose that it'll help you improve your home's algorithm
and thank you in advance

Nexito 5 And Its Uses

Books "Beginning Android "And" Android Application Development "

Hi Everyone
I hope that all are healthy development
today I'll give you 2 PDF books
to enter and become a professional in the developed android
That coverage of the first book

The 2nd Book That coverage
Thanks in advance for your comment
the next

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Will Wearing Tight Clothes Shrink My Penis?

Villey What place?

Workshop of Historical Research Centre has already published two years here an interesting article on a highly critical assessment the work of Michel Villey, the famous philosopher of law. Article I discovered a little late.
( Read online article )

Section, Sylvain Piron, is credited with bringing the conflict to a master rarely challenged. Yet theses Villey propose an interpretation somewhat trench history of philosophy of law and it is surprising that little is both disputed and rather taken back.

I am myself a fan and I appreciate Villey Sylvain Piron has detected what appears to me now be the key intellectual Villey - success is certainly not the general public: the first is Villey author of a system.

Proof is in fact the idea of it ultimately boils fairly short: there are two concepts of law, the entitlement to rights and the singular the plural.

The first, oldest, is objective, it describes an order things that is correct, the second is subjective is the design of modern or matrix of modernity. For

Villey, the transition between the two designs is due to corruption. These designs have their champion: the classic range by Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas while modern advanced by Hobbes and his predecessor, William of Occam (author of the famous razor).

It has been criticized for accommodating Villey a selection of texts to establish its theory that Piron notes and quotes.

But then the very purpose of the excellent article by Sylvain Piron is to disassemble Villey historiography and to show the artificiality, the author merely refers to the opinion of those authors who have criticized Villey retain only the texts adapted to their system. We would have liked the author addresses himself directly to the problem rather than quote these authors - as it is obvious that a man like Villey, exposed by his ideas and his long career has been wrongly or rightly, that kind of criticism.

is a pity that the author cites the excellent example that Villey developed to highlight the process of subjectification law from old to modern: a comparison of the respective plans institutes of the corpus juris civilis and the Civil Code which shows that the plan was subjectivized. The Roman plan

indeed separates people, property (a concept broader than the things that led to misinterpretations about the nature current example of the slave in Rome), actions. The French plan separates meanwhile one hand people on the other property and various changes of ownership , and finally the ways in which we acquire the property. (I will not touch upon the recent additions) This is an excellent example of the theory of Villey, only touched by his criticism.

It leaves a little something to be desired even if we assume that Michel Villey was sacrificing historical accuracy to the system more than we might have thought.

For the rest, the author proposes to find the genesis of the system Villey in his education and his environment, providing several interesting things imho, but are not decisive. Remains a critical worth the detour.

Step Daughter Needs Butt Whipping

Book:" Android Programmers Guide "

Hi everyone
I assume that you are well
today I'll give you a PDF book
to start or indeed mastered the android

Here is the link
It's me who upload the court
I guess he'll please
and thank you in advance

Monday, January 10, 2011

Inappropriate Birthday

Book 'C + +'

Hi everyone
I give you today a wonderful book for
all who want to be a programmer in C + +
voila coverage Book:

here is the link to google books:

and thank you in advance

Friday, January 7, 2011

Theoretical Maximum Total Solar Eclipse

SDK android (Windows - Mac-Linux)

Hi all the world
I assume you are healthy
sailing link to download the Android SDK for all OS:

and the mac
I think now you can program applications android
and thank you in advance for your comments

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Different Types Of Showers

" Android "OS beautiful

hello everyone
today I gives the official site for the system android
that most new phone uses
link official link
link to discover and become professional android of lesson examples, etc. ...

I hope this help you master the android
and goodbye .

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How To Set An Analog Alarm Clock

" expand "Great for programmers

Hi everyone
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there you can find books - forum - source etc. .. of any programming language that
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Sallys Glue In Extensions

Source D ebooks development on Google

Hi everyone
hope all programmers are healthy: D
today I give you a link that perhaps you know him very well
c ' is the huge library of ebooks of all kinds especially programming languages
the link is:

I guess he'll please
and thank you for putting comments

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

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Why France would play in industrial espionage. Trial of intent

Finally an interesting revelation of wikileaks: It turns out that France would be number 1 ... in the field of industrial espionage, the scale of Europe. Better than Russia and China. (Cf lemonde.fr, 04 Jan 2011, Wikileaks: economic espionage in Paris disturbs its European allies )
appear surprising and it is this surprise which will serve as a clue to explain why and how.

I) Special Case

Indeed France's relative decline is losing his rank. This decline does not appear legitimate, it is unwelcome. In France it has no oil but we have ideas ... Therefore we seek an explanation very comfortable. And we find: other spying powers our country.

is why we are surprised to learn that France is rather similar to that sacrifices practices.

And precisely because it is supposed spying by our competitors, it becomes legitimate to spy reply. Self-defense. And no matter that the opponent is poorly documented spying because we are good. The strongest opponent is supposed espionage, the most legitimate espionage appears in reverse.

The fear of being spied ultimately justifies spying. Classic. It appears ultimately logical that the countries most engaged in espionage is the one who most fear of being spied on itself. The revelation, assuming it true, appears ultimately logical.

II) General

The mechanism we have discovered appears to be a usual mode of evil, we condemn the evil to use but we are ready to sacrifice when we lend to our enemies want to use them himself.

The extremist groups are certainly sincere when they say they do not want lies and violence, but the belief that their enemies will use them to justify their use them themselves.

Note that the means we use are ultimately more revealing of ourselves than our opponent. Perhaps because they reflect our thinking and our intellectual framework, much more than the real person of our opponent.

More generally, the policy reflects camps that are structured in response to the political project they lend to the other side. So right there willing to coalesce against the press, national education, civil servants, they attack, giving these groups the desire to impose his ideas on the left when the tendency of these groups causes more mechanical. On the left we stigmatize the rich, almost openly regarded as parasites, entrepreneurs, merchants. Everyone wants the public good, social peace and yet everyone is ready to show at his opponent political enemy and an obstacle ...

And so each political group to unite around common values while condemning more or less explicitly opposing group as subject to the vices pending. Liberals say, do not whisper that our opponents do not like freedom? Say socialist, does not qualify secretly his enemies to be advocates of selfish individualism? Call feast a celebration of humanity Communist, is not removed from humanity those who are beyond the Communists and sympathizers?

The peak was reached with the ideologies which, as explained Solzhenitsyn, provide a complete explanation, refer enemy groups, reveal their nasty intentions and ultimately used to justify evil and disinhibit violence against them. Thus

of espionage ideology lend to the opponent with dark intentions is the beginning of corruption and conflict. The trial of intent justifies evil.