My doll, my real doll, one that laughs and weeps, the one with hair that tickles me the tip of nose, the cheeks that all hot when she wakes up in the morning, one that smiled at every turn, one that laughs out loud at the stupidity of his brothers, a year already ...
Monte on the table, climbs on the couch ...
Holds mamamamame
Holds papapapape
shows the finger all that is eaten ...
Has no teeth, but bite anyway!
Eat everything ... even things that drag the ground ...
Even when it's on the ground outside.
Laughing, laughing, smiling, s'exclaffe, is bogus
the little beast rising, rising
So does do, do, do ... small puppets,
Dance and sing,
Copy, oh yes why it copies all the little hearty !
Done hugs, mamis, the cuddling, kisses, tenderness,
Bidouille jewelry from her mother and scrutinizes all that glitters,
Love the old movies with Marilyn Monroe
bother Likes his brother when he looks at Dora and Boots,
Howl when she no longer sees his mommy in the morning to start the job,
roars when his Momma do not take it fast enough in his arms the night back from work,
Made his nights recently! Do
sucks his thumb but a more tututte English plastoc molded
That is, that is, lines and even lines, we live every moment of happiness, we croquons life of this wonderful little mouse, and makes us forget a health may be fragile. We see strong, and she is stubborn and corriace we positivons all his gestures, babbling and actions. It simply wonderful!
(as wonderful as these brothers of course)
Happy birthday my mouse darling!
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