Saturday, January 2, 2010

How Can I Tell If A Scorpio

Hang on stage and integrating new on Wikipedia

Happy New Year 2010 to all, Happy New Year

Wikipedia that fear now is that it loses its contributors. The reason is simple and mechanical items would be made now and then:

1 / The ability to grip fades from wikipedia: it no longer creates major items, we do more major contribution, no can interfere with the ability to make a big gain. In short we must be more specialist today the early days of Wikipedia.

2 / Wiki closes on itself. Informal rules accumulate (rules of behavior and understanding of editorial rules npdv, ti, point etc.) and the integration process weakens accordingly even though the articles on which we would hand himself scarce cf first point.

short, less grip and more difficult for new integration. Risk of non-renewal of contributors. Danger.

But first note that these evils are but the necessary consequence of the maturation of wikipedia, maturation is the purpose of its contributors. Note then reasons for optimism: the number of subjects actually increases continuously and subjects are already treated as a support for more specialized or specific items. Wikipedia and the grip offered by exchange rather than it is in decline, attracting a slightly less amateur.

Regarding the integration of new, stringent rules to know can be daunting: Wikipedia publishes material reliable and verifiable, not of personal, award points of view etc.. Some rules are not written and learned by doing. It is for Wikipedians installed to ensure foster integration new (I salute those who take the passage of time wikiparrainer).

must obviously apply the rules against new ones if necessary, with more tact. We must also ensure that only use the old against the new rules with which they disagree with the idea of publishing the disgust of Wikipedia and leave them alone their niche publishing. (Thing seen, and I'm not talking about me) should be avoided in contrast to the otherworldliness of new respect (and in general): Some new no place on Wikipedia, it's like that .

I therefore wish the best for 2010 in wikipedia and its contributors and I hope the new prolific.


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