Thursday, May 20, 2010

White Disharege Instead Of Peroids

It is customary to oppose freedom and determinism.

The idea is simple: if everything is preordained, if not fancy things obey eternal laws, then freedom does not exist.

Certainly the universe is regular. This fact alone attests to the existence of universal laws that govern them. The new instant after the previous one, I'm still here and not across the country - which could not be more desirable in freedom. So all things are as they should be, barely processed according to the order of things and dropped the apple moves on, the train continued its advance, the apple becomes more mature, the sun is lit warmer.

Things are completely determined, material is forced.

This is not only consistent with the need but still is with freedom.

For it is because things are determined necessarily obey the laws, that the mind can act upon them.

So I can stop the apple from his fall. The apple does not pass through the hand. Nor does it deflect its course.

Things being determined, the fact that they obey laws, in effect makes events predictable and can act on them.

If the universe was not governed by laws, so human action would be condemned. No freedom exist.

What freedom if I articulate a sound when no one comes out of my mouth? If I look right when I see the left?

Far from being opposed to freedom, determinism things is the necessary condition.

"Since man is free to whom everything happens as it wishes," said a fool, I also want everything happens as I please. - Hey! My friend, madness and freedom are never found together. Freedom is something not only beautiful, but very reasonable, and there is nothing more absurd or more unreasonable to form desires reckless and wanting things to happen as we once thought. When I called Dion to write, I must write, not as I want, but as it is, without changing a single letter. It is the same in all the arts and the sciences. And you want the biggest and most important of all things, I mean freedom, it means the reign whim and fancy. No, my friend: freedom is the desire to make things happen, not as you please, but as they arrive. "

Epictetus, Entretiens , 1.35.

course applies to determinism but also human freedom has never been the omnipotence that for those who sought to deny.