Along with several other members of the Circle exporters of Cotes d'Armor , Yves-André Bourges discovered SYCOSCAN during a visit July 8, 2008 facilities Port 2000 . The SYCOSCAN, control system by X-ray, developed by the Europ Scan, the Autonomous Port of Le Havre and French Customs can radiographed at one time an entire truck and its load . The installation can include the detection of illicit trafficking in arms and drugs. The container can be checked without being unloaded or open. The system uses beams of low energy X-ray detectors coupled to ultra-inspired bedroom son of Georges Charpak , one of the invited guests to inaugurate the site in 1996. This control system is X-ray also developed by Heimann CargoVision.
Naturally, the problems of this type of control has evolved in recent years meet U.S. demands in security matters.
Naturally, the problems of this type of control has evolved in recent years meet U.S. demands in security matters.